The Mulberry Fork Streambank Stabilization project included stabilizing and enhancing approximately 200 total linear meters of stream bank on Mulberry Fork and an associated tributary, Hurricane Creek, to improve habitat for the Black Warrior Waterdog and Flattened Musk Turtle and to improve fish passage. Additional activities included restoring and enhancing approximately 70 meters of in-stream habitat within Hurricane Creek. The Mulberry Fork and Hurricane Creek Restoration construction efforts began in early October 2020. The total project took approximately five weeks to complete. Ultimately, the project has helped stabilize this site by correcting the hydrologic regime of Mulberry Fork and Hurricane Creek in this area.
The project was identified by USDA/NRCS while on a site visit with the landowner. USDA/NRCS contacted the USFWS Partners for Fish & Wildlife program who worked with the landowner to coordinate funding and construction. Cawaco RC&D administered funds for the project.