Curry MS teacher Lisa Hammack, with the help of numerous donations, gifts and volunteers, was able to bring a state of the art Media center to the Curry Middle School Library!
Lisa told us “Our students have been actively involved in this project from the beginning until the end. They have had a voice in our library, including what was needed, the color scheme, the furniture, and how they saw the space to be most conducive to them. With the active involvement of our students, they have engaged the community in their excitement for a library makeover. This grant, along with donations from our local businesses, and community members made this student vision a reality. It simply would not have happened without our
community support. In turn, our school has praised our community and encouraged the supporting of our local businesses. We had many of these businesses attend our open house to unveil the new library space.
Many other businesses have approached our school since the open house and volunteered to help in a variety of ways from financial, time, to mentoring some of our students.”