During our first two years of offering CO.STARTERS, 9 entrepreneurs have graduated from the program, and they are already making a big difference in Shelby County.
For example, Sean & Beth Hilty graduated from our first cohort in 2022, and their business–Alabama Custom Trailer & RV–was recently awarded Shelby County Small Business of the Year in Category Two (6-10 employees) by the Shelby County Chamber of Commerce. Eight out of our 9 graduates currently have operating businesses, and one has a business plan but is still searching for a storefront. Our CO.STARTERS program was also mentioned in Shelby County’s comprehensive plan adopted in 2023 (pg. 256; https://www.shelbyal.com/DocumentCenter/View/4386/Comprehensive-Plan).
Program graduates span across a wide range of industries, including real estate, counseling, farming, the production of mead (honey wine), baking, and community development consulting. One owns a salon in a neighboring town, and another plans to open a gift shop.